SCI, SSCI ve AHCI tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanmış veya kabul edilmiş makaleler

  • A.Karakilic , S.Kizildag , Z.Yuce , Y.S.Celik , S.Kandis , H.R.Bozan , B.Koc , G.Guvendi , M.Ates , S.Inan and N.Uysal.
    (2022) Repeated acetaminophen administration damaged hippocampal tissue but did not affect prefrontal cortex or anxiety behaviors.
    ACTA NEUROBIOLOGIAE EXPERIMENTALIS , Vol. 82, No. 2, 170-178, ISBN: 0065-1400
  • İ.Semin , D.E.Soysal , Y.Seval Çelik , M.Hayran , A.B.Demir , A.B.Ozkaya , S.Inan , G.Akdogan.
    (2022) Multidisciplinary case-based small group discussions to integrate basic medical sciences with clinical situations.
  • M.Ç.Kır , M.Ozgul Onal , E.Turkoz Uluer , C.Ulman , S. Inan.
    (2022) Continuous and intermittent parathyroid hormone administration promotes osteogenic differentiation and activity of programmable cells of monocytic origin.
    BIOTECHNIC & HISTOCHEMISTRY , Vol. 97, No. 8, 593-603, ISBN: 10520295
  • A.Türkeli , Ö.Yılmaz , M.Karaman , E.Toprak Kanık , F.Firinci , S.İnan , H.Yüksel.
    (2021) Anti-VEGF treatment suppresses remodeling factors and restores epithelial barrier function through the E-cadherin/β-catenin signaling axis in experimental asthma models.
    Experimental And Therapeutic Medicine , Vol. 22 (1), No. 689, 1-9, ISBN: 1792-0981
  • E.Türköz Uluer , P.Kılışarslan Sönmez , D.Akoğulları , M.Önal , G.Tanrıöver , S.İnan.
    (2021) Do Wortmannin and Thalidomide induce apoptosis by autophagy inhibition in 4T1 breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo?.
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH , Vol. 13, No. 6, 6236-6247, ISBN: 1943-8141
  • I.Aydemir , E.Turkoz Uluer , O.Korkmaz , M.I.Tuglu , S.Inan.
    (2020) Adjuvant effects of chemotherapeutics and Metformin on MFE-319 endometrial carcinoma cell line.
    Romanian Journal Of Morphology And Embryology Rom J Morphol Embryol , Vol. 61, No. 3, 707-714, ISBN: 1220-0522
  • O.Yılmaz , Y.Şimşek , S.Inan , O.Buga , G.Eskiizmir , E.Pınar , E.Kanık , H.Yüksel.
    (2020) Significant Changes in Trans-Epithelial Barrier Proteins of Adenoid Tissue with Atopic Status in Children.
    Turkish Thoracic Journal Turk Thorac J. , Vol. 21, No. 4, 242-247, ISBN: 2148-7197
  • G.Ekizceli , S.Inan , G.Oktem , E.Onur , K.Ozbilgin.
    (2020) Immunohistochemical determination of mTOR pathway molecules in ovaries and uterus in rat estrous cycle stages.
    Histology And Histopathology HISTOL HISTOPATHOL , Vol. 35, No. 11, 1337-1332, ISBN: 0213-3911
  • S.Inan , M.Hayran.
    (2019) Cell Signaling Pathways Related to Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in Cancer Metastasis.
    Critical Reviews In Oncogenesis CRIT REV ONCOG , Vol. 24, No. 1, 47-54, ISBN: 0893-9675
  • S.Korkmaz , M.E.Ceylan , G.Ceylan , A.Dalgıç , S.Inan , L.Olgun , Z.Özüer.
    (2019) Auditory and Histopathological Effects of Topical Mercurochrome Treatment in Rats with Tympanic Membrane Perforation.
    The Journal Of International Advanced Otology J Int Adv Otol , Vol. 15, No. 1, 22-27, ISBN: 1308-7649
  • A.Gultekin , H.I.Tanrıverdi , S.Inan , O.Yilmaz , C.Gunsar , A.Sencan.
    (2017) The Effect of Tunica Albuginea Incision on Testicular Tissue After Detorsion in the Experimental Model of Testicular Torsion..
    Urology Journal , Vol. 14, No. 6, 3804-3812, ISBN: 1735-1308
  • G.Ekizceli , S.İnan , G.Öktem , E.Onur , K.Özbilgin.
    (2017) Assessment of mTOR pathway molecules during implantation in rats.
    Biotechnic & Histochemistry , Vol. 92, No. 6, 450-458, ISBN: 1052-0295 (Print) 14
  • E.Akinoglu , K.Ozbilgin , P.Kilicaslan Sonmez , M.M.Özkut , M.Giersig , S.Inan , E.Gumustepe , C.Kurtman.
    (2017) Biocompatibility of vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube scaffolds for human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231..
    Prog Biomater. , Vol. 6, No. 4, 189-196,
  • H.Gür , Y.Alimoğlu , U.Düzenli , S.Korkmaz , S.İnan , L.Olgun.
    (2017) The effect of local application of insulin-like growth factor for prevention of inner-ear damage caused by electrode trauma.
    The Journal Of Laryngology &Otology , Vol. 131, No. 10, 245-252,
  • B.Tepedelen , M.Korkmaz , E.Tatlısumak , E.Türköz Uluer , E.Ölmez , İ.Değerli , E.Soya , S.İnan.
    (2017) A Study on the Anticarcinogenic Effects of Calcium Fructoborate.
    Biological Trace Element Research , Vol. 178, No. 2, 210-217,
  • M.Sohrabi , M.Hosseini , S.Inan , Z.Alizadeh , M.Vahabian , A.A.Vahidinia , H.Lahoutian.
    (2017) Effect of Antioxidants on Testicular iNOS and eNOS after High-Fat Diet in Rat..
    Pakistan Journal Of Biological Sciences , Vol. 20, No. 6, 289-297, ISBN: 1028-8880
  • N.Ekerbicer , T.Gurpinar , F.Tarakci , E.Turkoz Uluer , S.İnan.
    (2016) Effects of high doses of dexamethasone on hemodynamic and immunohistochemical characteristics of acute paraquat intoxication in rat kidneys.
    Biotech Histochem , Vol. 91, No. 3, 151-160,
  • M.K.Ozbilgin , T.Onal , C.Ozcan , M.Temel , C.Aktas , M.S.Gareveran , E.T.Uluer , S.Inan , C.Kurtman.
    (2016) Effects of Cyclooxygenase on the Urothelium of the Urinary Bladder of Mice Exposed to Pelvic Radiation..
    Analytical And Quantitative Cytopathology And Histopathology (Anal Quant Cytopathol Histpathol) , Vol. 38, No. 2, 103-110, ISBN: 0884-6812
  • N.Ekerbicer , T.Gurpinar , F.Tarakci , E.T.Turkoz , S.İnan.
    (2016) Effects of high doses of dexamethasone on hemodynamic and immunohistochemical characteristics of acute paraquat intoxication in rat kidneys..
    Biotechnic & Histochemistry , Vol. 91, No. 3, 151-160, ISBN: 26796020
  • Y.Dilber , S.Inan , G.A.Ercan , A.Sencan.
    (2016) The role of CAPE in PI3K/AKT/mTOR activation and oxidative stress on testis torsion..
    Acta Histochem , Vol. 118, No. 1, 31-37, ISBN: 26651953
  • B.E.Tepedelen , M.Korkmaz , E.Tatlisumak , E.T.Uluer , E.Ölmez , İ.Değerli , E.Soya , S.İnan.
    (2016) A Study on the Anticarcinogenic Effects of Calcium Fructoborate..
    Biological Trace Element Research , Vol. 10.1007, No. 1201101609, 1-8, ISBN: 1559-0720
  • H.Yuksel , Ö.Yilmaz O , M.Karaman M , F.Firinci F , A.Turkeli A , E.T.Kanik ET , S.Inan.
    (2015) Vascular endothelial growth factor antagonism restores epithelial barrier dysfunction via affecting zonula occludens proteins..
    Exp Ther Med (Experimental And Therapeutic Medicine.) , Vol. 10, No. 1, 362-368, ISBN: 26170963
  • F.Duzagac , S.Inan , F.E.Simsek , E.Acikgoz , U.Guven , S.Khan , H.Rouhrazi , F.Oltulu , H.Aktug , A.Erol and G.Oktem.
    (2015) JAK/STAT pathway interacts with intercellular cell adhesion molecule (ICAM) and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM) while prostate cancer stem cells form tumor spheroids..
    J BUON Journal Of The Balkan Union Of Oncology , Vol. 20, No. 5, 1250-1257,
  • E.Türköz Uluer , S.Inan , K.Ozbilgin , F.Karaca , N.Dicle , M.Sancı.
    (2015) The role of hypoxia related angiogenesis in uterine smooth muscle tumors..
    Biotech Histochem , Vol. 90, No. 2, 102-110, ISBN: 25225843
  • A.B.Altan , A.A.Bicakci , H.I.Mutaf , M.Ozkut , S.V.Inan.
    (2015) The effects of low-level laser therapy on orthodontically induced root resorption..
    Lasers Med Sci. , Vol. 30, No. 8, 2067-2076, ISBN: 25633918
  • K.Ozbilgin , B.Kahraman , A.Turan , C.Atay , S.Vatansever , S.Inan , T.Ozçakir.
    (2015) The expression of Forkhead transcription factors in decidua and placenta in patients with missed abortion..
    Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. (Clinical And Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology) , Vol. 42, No. 4, 510-514, ISBN: 26411222
  • S.Mizrak , V.Turan , S.Inan , A.Uysal , C.Yilmaz , G.Ercan.
    (2014) Effect of nicotine on RANKL and OPG and bone mineral density..
    J Invest Surg , Vol. 27, No. 6, 327-331, ISBN: 24830656
  • E.Eren , M.S.Başoğlu , E.Kulduk , F.Şimsek , S.İnan.
    (2014) Mucosal trauma induced apoptosis in guinea pig middle ear: comparision of hemostatic agents..
    Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. , Vol. 78, No. 12, 2222-2228, ISBN: 25458164
  • R.Dündar , S.İnan S, , N.Muluk , C.Cingi , A.İlknur , H.Katılmış.
    (2014) Inhibitory effect of N-acetyl cysteine and ascorbic acid on the development of myringosclerosis: an experimental study..
    Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. , Vol. 78, No. 7, 1019-1025, ISBN: 24794623
  • T.Zeren , S.Inan , H.S.Vatansever , S.Sayhan.
    (2014) Significance of apoptosis related proteins on malignant transformation of ovarian tumors: A comparison between Bcl-2/Bax ratio and p53 immunoreactivity..
    Acta Histochem. , Vol. 116, No. 8, 1251-1258, ISBN: 25108507
  • M.Songu , Y.Ozkul , S.Kirtay , S.Arslanoglu , M.Ozkut , S.Inan , K.Onal.
    (2014) Effects of oral intake of cetirizine HCl and desloratadine molecules on the middle ear mucosa: an experimental animal study..
    Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. , Vol. 271, No. 4, 833-838, ISBN: 24526000
  • K.Gungorduk , I.Ertas , A.Sahbaz , S.Ozvural , Y.Sarica , S.Sayhan , A.Ozdemir , M.Gokcu , B.Yilmaz , M.Sanci , S.Inan , M.Harma and Y.Yildirim.
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    Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. (European Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology And Reproductive Bi , Vol. 179, 147-152, ISBN: 24965996
  • G.Oktem , A.Bilir , R.Uslu , S.V.Inan , S.Demiray , H.Atmaca , S.Ayla , O.Sercan , A.Uysal.
    (2014) Expression profiling of stem cell signaling alters with spheroid formation in CD133high/CD44high prostate cancer stem cells..
    Oncol Lett. , Vol. 7, No. 6, 2103-2109, ISBN: 24932297
  • G.Malkoc , A.Dalgic , M.Koc , T.Kandogan , S.Korkmaz , M.Ceylan , S.Inan , L.Olgun.
    (2014) Histopathological and audiological effects of mechanical trauma associated with the placement of an intracochlear electrode, and the benefit of corticosteroid infusion: prospective animal study..
    J Laryngol Otol (The Journal Of Laryngology And Otology) , Vol. 128, No. 8, 702-708, ISBN: 25182450
  • A.B.Altan BA, , I.Kara , R.Nalcaci , F.Ozan , S.Erdogan , M.Ozkut , S.Inan.
    (2013) Systemic propolis stimulates new bone formation at the expanded suture: a histomorphometric study.
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  • M.Kara , A.Altan , U.Sezer , M.Erdoğan , S.Inan , M.Ozkut , R.Nalcacı.
    (2012) Effects of Ginkgo biloba on experimental rapid maxillary expansion model: a histomorphometric study..
    Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. , Vol. 114, No. 6, 712-718, ISBN: 22921441
  • K.Ozbilgin , B.Boz , K.Tuğyan , S.Inan , S.Vatansever.
    (2012) RHAMM Expression in the Rat Endometrium during the Estrous Cycle and following Implantation..
    J Reprod Infertil (Journal Of Reproduction & Infertility) , Vol. 13, No. 3, 131-137, ISBN: 23926537
  • H.Ozcakir , A.Taman , C.Kose , K.Ozbilgin , S.Inan , H.Caglar.
    (2011) Effect of GnRH antagonist therapy on the expression of MUC-1 and heparin binding growth factor expression in the endometrium of hyperstimulated rats..
    Clinical And Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology , Vol. 38, No. 1, 76-80, ISBN: 21485733
  • I.Akil , S.Kavukçu , S.Inan , O.Yilmaz , P.Atilla , H.Işlekel , N.Neşe , S.Müftüoğlu.
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