CPCI-S veya CPCI-SSH endexli konferans bildiri kitaplarında yayımlanmış bildiriler

  • Ş.Kipöz.
    (2013) Slow Fashion Ethics: Reproduction of Memory through Deconstruction.
    10th European Design Academy Conference / Crafting The Future
    1-12, ISBN: 978-91-979541-5-0
  • Ş.Kipöz and D.Güner.
    (2006) Moda Dünyasının Geçiciliğinde Söylem Üretmenin Olanak ve Sınırları:Hüseyin Çağlayan.
    İTU Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Bölümü / III.Ulusal Tasarım Kongresi. Türkiye'de Tasarımı Tartışmak
    0-0, ISBN: 975-561-277-7

Diğer konferans bildiri kitaplarında yayımlanmış bildiriler

  • Ş.Kipöz.
    (2018) A Quest For Interdisciplinary / Cross-disciplinary / Multi-disciplinary Design Practices at the Intersection of Fashion and Architecture.
    University Of Barcelona / Back To The Future [icdhs 10th + 1 Conference] Proceedings Book
    34-39, ISBN:
  • D.Atalay and Ş.Kipöz .
    (2012) Promises and Conflicts of the Ethical Fashion Debate: How ethical is the “ ethical fashion”? .
    Centro Per Lo Studio Della Moda E Della Produzione Culturale / Fashion Tales 2012
    0-0, ISBN:
  • Ş.Kipöz and D.Güner.
    (2009) Conceptual Resistance of Hussein Chalayan within the Ephemeral World of Fashion.
    Interdisciplinary Net / Ist Global Fashion Conference
    0-0, ISBN:
  • Ş.Kipöz .
    (2007) Dress against Disaster : Clothing as Hyper medium in Risk Society.
    Izmir University Of Economics,Faculty Of Fien Arts And Design / EAD CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Dancing With Disorder : Design , Discourse Disaster
    0-0, ISBN: 978-975-8789-21-4
  • Ş.Kipöz .
    (2006) Fashionable Foods and Tasteful Fashions.
    Izmir University Of Economic , Faculty Of Fine Arts And Design / Agrindustrial Design Symposium Proceedings
    0-0, ISBN: 975-8789-05-8
  • Ş.Kipöz and E.Akan .
    (2004) Reincarnation” as Design Experience for the Sake of Product’s Emotions.
    Middle East Technical University , Design And Emotion Society / 4th International Conference On Design And Emotion
    0-0, ISBN:
  • Ş.Kipöz .
    (2003) Design Since the Mobile Phone become a fashion item .
    University Of Barcelona / The Design Wisdom. 5th European Academy Of Conference
    0-0, ISBN: