Prof. Dr. Turhan TUNALI
Mühendislik Fakültesi
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği
Prof. Dr. Turhan TUNALI
Mühendislik Fakültesi
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği
- Atıf Yapan :
Istepanian RSH , Philip NY , (2009-2010)
Medical QoS Provision Based on Reinforcement Learning in Ultrasound Streaming over 3.5G Wireless Systems - IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS 27 4 566-574
Atıf Yapılan :
Diğer indexler tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanmış yayınlarda yapılan atıf
- Atıf Yapan :
Yueyun Shang , Dengpan Ye , (2015-2016)
GPU-Based MPEG-2 to Secure Scalable Video Transcoding - International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable Video Encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
- Atıf Yapan :
Cao Liu , Hong Zheng , (2015-2016)
A Novel Method of Adaptive Traffic Image Enhancement for Complex Environments - Hindawi/Journal of Sensors
Atıf Yapılan :
Automatic number plate information extraction and recognition for intelligent transportation system - Maney/The Imaging Science Journal
- Atıf Yapan :
Bong-Jun Yang , Prasenjit Sengupta , (2015-2016)
Turbine Engine Performance Estimation Using Particle Filters - Proceedings of 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Control Systems Society/IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control
- Atıf Yapan :
Mehmet SAHN (2015-2016)
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Video on Demand System for the Internet - Proceedings of Packet Video Conference
- Atıf Yapan :
Ihsan Ullah , Waheed Noor , (2015-2016)
Challenges for a Global Solution Addressing Quality of Service Problems in P2P IPTV Systems - International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security
Atıf Yapılan :
Dorma Trading/Adaptive, incentive and scalable dynamic tree overlay for p2p live video streaming, - Springer/Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
- Atıf Yapan :
Muhammad Salman Raheel , Raad Raad , (2015-2016)
QoE Based P2P Scalable Video Streaming over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - IEEE/Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies, 2015 9th International Conference on
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-Aware Multiple Multicast Tree Formation For P2P Scalable Video Streaming Using Hierarchical Clusters - IEEE/The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
- Atıf Yapan :
Kedar Radhakrishna , B. Ramakrishna Goud , (2014-2015)
Electronic Health Records and Information Portability: A Pilot Study in a Rural Primary Healthcare Center in India - PMC/Perspectives in Health Information Management
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Mohtaram Nematollahi (2014-2015)
Designing minimum data sets of health smart card system - Journal of Health Management and Informatics
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Richard G. Washingon , Clifford L. Hall , (2014-2015)
System and method for monitoring content - US Patent
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Adaptive Video Streaming Under Lossy Network Conditions - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Atıf Yapan :
Z Xiao (2014-2015)
Parameter Estimation in Differential Equation Based Models - Ph.D Thesis, University of California
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Control Systems Society/IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control
- Atıf Yapan :
Vijaya Kumar B. P. , Dilip Kumar S. M. , (2014-2015)
Neural Networks Based Efficient Multiple Multicast Routing for Mobile Networks - International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-Aware Multiple Multicast Tree Formation For P2P Scalable Video Streaming Using Hierarchical Clusters - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Z. M. Parvez Sazzad , S. Yamanaka , (2014-2015)
Continuous stereoscopic video quality evaluation - Proceedings of SPIE 7524, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXI, 75241E
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Medjiah, S. , Ahmed, T. , (2014-2015)
Avoiding Quality Bottlenecks in P2P Adaptive Streaming - Selected Areas in Communications IEEE Journal on
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-aware multiple multicast tree formation for P2P scalable video streaming using hierarchical clusters - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Image Processing (ICIP)
- Atıf Yapan :
Anastasis P. Keliris , Vassileios D. Kolias , (2013-2014)
Smart cards in healthcare information systems: Benefits and limitations - Proceedings of IEEE 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE)
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Humayun Zafar , Myung S. Ko , (2013-2014)
Security Risk Management in Healthcare: A Case Study - Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Temel, D. , AlRegib, G. , (2013-2014)
Effectiveness of 3VQM in capturing depth inconsistencies - IEEE/Proceedings of 11th IVMSP Workshop
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Chakareski, J. (2013-2014)
Transmission Policy Selection for Multi-View Content Delivery Over Bandwidth Constrained Channels - Proceedings of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Image Processing (ICIP)
- Atıf Yapan :
Chakareski, J. (2013-2014)
Scheduling space-time dependent packets in multi-view video streaming - IEEE/ Proceedings of 15th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP),
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Image Processing (ICIP)
- Atıf Yapan :
Chao Zheng , Hua Yang , (2013-2014)
A Feature Extracting Method for Chinese Character Recognition of License Plate Based on Elastic Mesh and Wavelet Transform - Advanced Materials Research
Atıf Yapılan :
Automatic number plate information extraction and recognition for intelligent transportation system - The Imaging Science Journal
- Atıf Yapan :
S. Nakamura , X. Zhao , (2013-2014)
Stochastic Modeling of Database Backup Policy for a Computer System - Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
Atıf Yapılan :
Resilient Peer-to-Peer Streaming of Scalable Video Over Hierarchical Multicast Trees with Backup Parent Pools - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Atıf Yapan :
Sayit, M. , Karayer, E. , (2013-2014)
A score-based packet retransmission approach for push-pull P2P streaming systems - Proceedings of Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
Atıf Yapılan :
Resilient Peer-to-Peer Streaming of Scalable Video Over Hierarchical Multicast Trees with Backup Parent Pools - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Atıf Yapan :
Tong Zhu , Lina Karam , (2012-2013)
SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT OF COMPRESSED 3D VIDEO - Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Steven Martin , Han-Wei Shen , (2012-2013)
Stereo frame decomposition for error-constrained remote visualization - Proceedings of Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Raihan Othman , Hens Saputra , (2012-2013)
Zinc-Air Battery – Powering Electric Vehicles to Smart Active Labels - International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Development
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Humayun Zafar , Sweta Sneha , (2012-2013)
Ubiquitous Healthcare Information System: Toward Crossing the Security Chasm - Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
LM de Sales , R de Amorim Silva , (2012-2013)
Multi(Uni)cast DCCP for live content distribution with P2P support - Proceedings of Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Image Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
D Beltrán Guerrero , L Basañez Villaluenga , (2012-2013)
Técnicas y algoritmos para la adquisición, transmisión y visualización de escenas 3D - External research report
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Image Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Wonhyuk Lee , Minki Noh , (2012-2013)
Planning Methodology for Mapping between Network Bandwid Capacity and Physical Traffic - Science & Engineering Research Support Society/International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Atıf Yapılan :
Robust Quality Adaptation for Internet Video Streaming - Springer/Journal of Multimedia Tools and Application
- Atıf Yapan :
Chaparro, F. , Guerrero, C.D. , (2012-2013)
Available bandwidth estimation for high quality television content - Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing (COLCOM)
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Available Bandwidth Estimation for Internet Video Streaming - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Atıf Yapan :
Y Pan , R Fan , (2012-2013)
A Wavelet Neural Networks License Recognition Algorithm and Its Application - Academy Publisher/Journal of Computers
Atıf Yapılan :
) Automatic number plate information extraction and recognition for intelligent transportation system - Maney Publishing /The Imaging Science Journal
- Atıf Yapan :
Asghar, M.N , Ghanbari, M , (2012-2013)
Sufficient Encryption with Codewords and Bin-strings of H.264/SVC - Proceedings of IEEE 11th International Conference onTrust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2012
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable Video Encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal Of Visual Communications and Image Representation
- Atıf Yapan :
Asghar, M. , Ghanbari, M. , (2012-2013)
Efficient selective encryption with H.264/SVC CABAC bin-strings - Proceedings of 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable Video Encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal Of Visual Communications and Image Representation
- Atıf Yapan :
Sayit, M. (2012-2013)
Reinforcement learning for peer to peer video streaming applications - Proceedings of 20th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)
Atıf Yapılan :
Resilient Peer-to-Peer Streaming of Scalable Video Over Hierarchical Multicast Trees with Backup Parent Pools - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Atıf Yapan :
BW Mills , CL Hall III , (2012-2013)
System and method for processing content - US Patent 8
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Adaptive Video Streaming Under Lossy Network Condition - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Atıf Yapan :
S. Valarmathi , R. Vani , (2012-2013)
HARDWARE SOFTWARE CO-SIMULATION OF MOTION ESTIMATION IN H.264 ENC - Proceedings of First Intetnational Conference onComputer Science & Information Technology
Atıf Yapılan :
A Survey on the H.264/AVC Standard - TUBITAK/Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering
- Atıf Yapan :
Kwok-Chun Fung , Yu-Kwong Kwok , (2012-2013)
A QoE Based Performance Study of Mobile Peer-to-Peer Live Video Streaming - Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT)
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-aware multiple multicast tree formation for P2P scalable video streaming using hierarchical clusters - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Image Processing (ICIP)
- Atıf Yapan :
Y. H. Pan , R. Fan , (2012-2013)
A Wavelet Neural Networks License Recognition Algorithm and Its Application - Journal of Computers
Atıf Yapılan :
Automatic number plate information extraction and recognition for intelligent transportation system - The Imaging Science Journal
- Atıf Yapan :
Ivan Alen Fernandez , Christophe De Vleeschouwer , (2012-2013)
An Interactive Video Streaming Architecture Featuring Bitrate Adaptation - Journal of Communications
Atıf Yapılan :
Video Streaming with H.264 Over the Internet - Proceedings of IEEE 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications,
- Atıf Yapan :
Z. M. Parvez Sazzad , Roushain Akhter , (2011-2012)
Objective no-reference stereoscopic image quality prediction based on 2D image features and relative disparity - The ACM Digital Library /Advances in Multimedia
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Sazzad, Z. M. Parvez , Bensalma, Rafik , (2011-2012)
Feature Based No-Reference Continuous Video Quality Prediction Model for Coded Stereo Video - Society for Imaging Science and Technology /Proceedings of Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Yossy Machluf , Avinoam Pirogovsky , (2011-2012)
Coordinated computerized systems aimed at management, control, and quality assurance of medical processes and informatics - Emerald Group Publishing Limited/International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Sayit, M. (2011-2012)
Multicast tree based video streaming application over planetlab - IEEE 19th Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU)
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-Aware Multiple Multicast Tree Formation For P2P Scalable Video Streaming Using Hierarchical Clusters - Proceedings Of The 16th IEEE International Conference On Image Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Junjian Qu , Hannuksela, M.M. , (2011-2012)
Asymmetric spatial scalability in stereoscopic video coding - Proceedings of 3DTV Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON)
Atıf Yapılan :
A New Scalable Multi-View Video Coding Configuration for Robust Selective Streaming of Free-Viewpoint TV - Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference On Multimedia & Expo (ICME)
- Atıf Yapan :
Helmi Mohamed Hussain (2011-2012)
Personal information requirements of global information system - Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Social Research
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Maria-Anna Fengou , Georgios Mantas , (2011-2012)
Healthcare Profile Management System in Smart Cards - Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances of Information & Communication Technology in Health Care 2011
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Ali Sunyaev (2011-2012)
Book Chapter: Introduction - Springer/Health-Care Telematics in Germany
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Grandjean Thomas R. B. , Chappell Mike J. , (2011-2012)
WoS: Compartmental modelling of the pharmacokinetics of a breast cancer resistance protein - Source: COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE Volume: 104 Issue: 2 Pages: 81-92
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- Atıf Yapan :
Amjad Gamlo , Omar Batarfi , (2011-2012)
Architecture for Portable and Secure Patient Smart Card - International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology, & Security (IJCSITS)
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Saygili Gorkem; , Gurler Cihat Goktug , (2011-2012)
WoS: Evaluation of Asymmetric Stereo Video Coding and Rate Scaling for Adaptive 3D Video Streaming - IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING Volume: 57 Issue: 2 Pages: 593-601
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech Signal Process. ICASP 2007
- Atıf Yapan :
C. Goktug Gurler , Burak Gorkemli , (2011-2012)
Flexible Transport of 3-D Video Over Networks - Proceedings of the IEEE
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Image Processing (ICIP)
- Atıf Yapan :
Yan Xu (2011-2012)
A Broadcasting Schedule Scheme for Both 2D and 3D Video on Demand - Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Inc./Proceedings of Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Image Processing (ICIP)
- Atıf Yapan :
Sayit, M. , Demirci, S. , (2011-2012)
Multicast tree based video streaming application over planetlab - IEEE/ 19th Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-aware multiple multicast tree formation for P2P scalable video streaming using hierarchical clusters - IEEE/Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
- Atıf Yapan :
Miao Hongyu; , Xia Xiaohua , (2011-2012)
WoS: On Identifiability of Nonlinear ODE Models and Applications in Viral Dynamics - SIAM REVIEW Volume: 53 Issue: 1 Pages: 3-39
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.AC-32, No 2, pp 146-154.
- Atıf Yapan :
C. Goktug Gurler , Burak Gorkemli , (2011-2012)
Flexible Transport of 3-D Video Over Networks - Proceedings of the IEEE
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-aware multiple multicast tree formation for P2P scalable video streaming using hierarchical clusters - Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Process
- Atıf Yapan :
Huang, Xiaozheng (2010-2011)
SVC bit stream extraction and its applications - M.A.Sc. Thesis,
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-Aware Multiple Multicast Tree Formation For P2P Scalable Video Streaming Using Hierarchical Clusters - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Emily K. Adams , Mehool Intwala , (2010-2011)
MeD-Lights: a usable metaphor for patient controlled access to electronic health records - Proceeding IHI '10 Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Health Informatics Symposium
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
M. Huerta , T. Viva , (2010-2011)
Implementation of a Open Source Security Software Platform in a Telemedicine Network - Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international conference on Advances in e-activities, information security and privacy
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
Sazzad, Z.M.P. , Yamanaka, S. , (2010-2011)
Spatio-temporal segmentation based continuous no-reference stereoscopic video quality prediction - 2010 Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Shafique, M. , Zatt, B. , (2010-2011)
Power-aware complexity-scalable multiview video coding for mobile devices - Proceedings of Picture Coding Symposium
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Tsai Ming-Fong; , Chilamkurti Naveen , (2010-2011)
WoS: MAC-level Forward Error Correction mechanism for minimum error recovery overhead and retransmission - MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Volume: 53 Issue: 11-12 Pages: 2067-2077
Atıf Yapılan :
Robust Quality Adaptation for Internet Video Streaming - Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Science, Vol. 27, pp. 341-357.
- Atıf Yapan :
Chen Chin-Ling; , Lai Yeong-Lin , (2010-2011)
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 81, pp. 66-78.
- Atıf Yapan :
Gurler C. Goktug , Gorkemli Burak , (2010-2011)
WoS: Flexible Transport of 3-D Video Over Networks - PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE Volume: 99 Issue: 4 Pages: 694-707 DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2010.2100010 Published: APR 2011
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Atıf Yapan :
Yang Hui; Patek Stephen D.; Yan Zhenyu , Patek Stephen D. , (2010-2011)
WoS:Strategies for adaptive smoothing and rebuffering via dynamic network calculus - COMPUTER NETWORKS Volume: 54 Issue: 15 Pages: 2613-2625 DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2010.04.011 Published: OCT 28 2010
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Available Bandwidth Estimation for Internet Video Streaming - Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier Science, Vol.21 Issue 3, pp. 217-234.
- Atıf Yapan :
Ugur Aybars , Kinaci Ahmet Cumhur , (2010-2011)
WoS: A Web-Based Tool For Teaching Neural Network Concepts - COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Pages: 449-457 DOI: 10.1002/cae.20184 Published: SEP 2010
Atıf Yapılan :
Automatic number plate information extraction and recognition for intelligent transportation system - The Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 102-113.
- Atıf Yapan :
Fernández, I.A , Fan Chen , (2010-2011)
Browsing Sport Content through an Interactive H.264 Streaming Session - Second International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA)
Atıf Yapılan :
Video Streaming with H.264 Over the Internet - Proceedings of IEEE 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications,
- Atıf Yapan :
Huang Kuo-Hsuan; , Hsieh Sung-Huai , (2010-2011)
WoS: Application of Portable CDA for Secure Clinical-document Exchange - JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS Volume: 34 Issue: 4 Pages: 531-539
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 81, pp. 66-78.
- Atıf Yapan :
Fernandez, I.A. , De Vleeschouwer, C. , (2010-2011)
Worthy visual content on mobile through interactive video streaming - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - Proceedings of IEEE 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications,
- Atıf Yapan :
B. K. Mishra , S. K. Singh , (2010-2011)
Development of media resource broker and transcoder for QOS support in next generation network - Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology
Atıf Yapılan :
Video Streaming with H.264 Over the Internet - Proceedings of IEEE 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications,
- Atıf Yapan :
Perera, L.D.L. , Nettleton, E. , (2010-2011)
The Simultaneous Localization and Mapping problem in a nonlinear parameter identifiability perspective - Proceedings of 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA)
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control
- Atıf Yapan :
Narendra Kohli , Nishchal K Verma , (2010-2011)
GS: MySQL based selection of appropriate indexing technique in hospital system using multiclass SVM - International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology Vol 2, No 6 (2010)
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 81, pp. 66-78.
- Atıf Yapan :
Narendra Kohli , Nishchal K Verma , (2010-2011)
GS: Performance analysis of online health care system - International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology Vol. 3, No. 1, 2011
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 81, pp. 66-78.
- Atıf Yapan :
Alberto Fraga , Laura Pozueco , (2010-2011)
GS: A non-intrusive estimation for high-quality Internet TV services - Multimedia Tools and Applications Volume 54, Number 3, 569-588
Atıf Yapılan :
Robust Quality Adaptation for Internet Video Streaming - Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Science, Vol. 27, pp. 341-357.
- Atıf Yapan :
Moon D, Chung Y. , Pan SB, , (2009-2010)
EURASIP JOURNAL ON ADVANCES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING - Integrating Fingerprint Verification into the Smart Card-Based Healthcare Information System
Atıf Yapılan :
Kardas, G. and Tunali, T. (2006) “Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 81, pp 66-78. - Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 81, pp. 66-78.
- Atıf Yapan :
Huang YM , Liao CC , (2009-2010)
Atıf Yapılan :
- Atıf Yapan :
Szabo Z , Szederkenyi G , (2009-2010)
Identification and dynamic inversion-based control of a pressurizer at the Paks NPP - CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE 18 5 554-565
Atıf Yapılan :
- Atıf Yapan :
Miao HY , Dykes C , (2009-2010)
Differential Equation Modeling of HIV Viral Fitness Experiments: Model Identification, Model Selection, and Multimodel Inference - BIOMETRICS 65 1 292-300
Atıf Yapılan :
- Atıf Yapan :
Solh M , AlRegib G , (2009-2010)
Atıf Yapılan :
Ozbek, N, Tekalp, M. and Tunali, T. (2007) “Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure” ICASSP 2007. -
- Atıf Yapan :
Tsai MF , Shieh CK , (2009-2010)
Sub-packet forward error correction mechanism for video streaming over wireless networks - MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS 47 1 49-69
Atıf Yapılan :
Tunali, T., Kantarci, A. and Ozbek, N. (2005) “Robust Quality Adaptation for Internet Video Streaming”, Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 27, pp. 341-357, Springer Science. -
Uluslararası yayınevleri tarafından yayımlanmış kitaplarda yapılan atıf
- Atıf Yapan :
Bruno Zatt , Muhammad Shafique , (2012-2013)
Energy-Efficient Algorithms for Multiview Video Coding - Springer/ Book Title: 3D Video Coding for Embedded Devices
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
B Zatt , M Shafique , (2012-2013)
3D Video Coding for Embedded Devices Energy Efficient Algorithms and Architectures - Springer: Book
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Bruno Zatt , Muhammad Shafique , (2012-2013)
Results and Comparison (Chapter 6) - Springer/ Book Titled 3D Video Coding for Embedded Devices
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
Ulusal yayınevleri tarafından yayımlanmış kitaplarda yapılan atıf
- Atıf Yapan :
R. Vani , M. Sangeetha , (2012-2013)
Survey on H.264 Standard - Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology. Computer Science and Information Technology Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications En
Atıf Yapılan :
A Survey on the H.264/AVC Standard - TUBITAK/Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering
WoS indexleri tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanmış yayınlarda yapılan atıf
- Atıf Yapan :
Shreelatha Bhadravati , Pradeep K. Atrey , (2015-2016)
Scalable secret sharing of compressed multimedia - Elsevier/Journal of Information Security and Applications
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable Video Encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
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Yu Wang , Xiaojuan Ban , (2015-2016)
License plate recognition based on SIFT feature - Elsevier/Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics
Atıf Yapılan :
Automatic number plate information extraction and recognition for intelligent transportation system - Maney/The Imaging Science Journal
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Shilpa Shashikant Chaudhari , Rajashekhar C. Biradar , (2015-2016)
Survey of Bandwidth Estimation Techniques in Communication Networks - Springer/Wireless Personal Communications
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Available Bandwidth Estimation for Internet Video Streaming - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
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Shilpa Shashikant Chaudhari , Rajashekhar C. Biradar , (2015-2016)
Available Bandwidth Estimation Using Collision Probability, Idle Period Synchronization and Random Waiting Time in MANETs: Cognitive Agent Based Approach - Springer/Wireless Personal Communications
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Available Bandwidth Estimation for Internet Video Streaming - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
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Thierry Luhandjula , Keith L Ferguson , (2015-2016)
Sampling Point Path Selection for Fast Intra Mode Prediction - IEEE/Proceedings of Picture Coding Symposium
Atıf Yapılan :
A Survey on the H264/AVC Standard - Tübitak/Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
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K. M. Chan , Jack Y. B. Lee , (2015-2016)
Improving adaptive HTTP streaming performance with predictive transmission and cross-layer client buffer estimation - Springer/Multimedia Tools and Applications
Atıf Yapılan :
Robust Quality Adaptation for Internet Video Streaming - Springer/Multimedia Tools and Applications
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M. C. Angelides, , A. A. Sofokleous , (2015-2016)
Mobile Devices: Quality of Service (QoS) Adaptation Using MPEG‐21 - Taylor&Francis/Encyclopedia of Wireless and Mobile Communications
Atıf Yapılan :
Robust Quality Adaptation for Internet Video Streaming - Springer/Multimedia Tools and Applications
- Atıf Yapan :
Johannes D. Stigter , Jaap Molenaar , (2015-2016)
A fast algorithm to assess local structural identifiability - Elsevier/Automatica
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Control Systems Society/IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control
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Tatsuya KOUCHI , Satoshi FUJITA , (2015-2016)
Maintaining Tree-Structured P2P Overlay Being Resilient to Simultaneous Leave of Several Peers - IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-Aware Multiple Multicast Tree Formation For P2P Scalable Video Streaming Using Hierarchical Clusters - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Arash Vosoughi , Vanessa Testoni , (2015-2016)
Multiview coding and error correction coding for 3D video over noisy channels - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
Atıf Yapılan :
A New Scalable Multi-View Video Coding Configuration for Robust Selective Streaming of Free-Viewpoint TV - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo
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Chakareski, J. (2015-2016)
Uplink Scheduling of Visual Sensors: When View Popularity Matters - IEEE/IEEE Transactions on Communications
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Arash Vosoughi , Vanessa Testoni , (2015-2016)
Multiview coding and error correction coding for 3D video over noisy channels - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - Proceedings of ICASSP
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Shilpa Shashikant Chaudhari , Rajashekhar Biradar , (2015-2016)
Available Bandwidth Estimation Using Collision Probability, Idle Period Synchronization and Random Waiting Time in MANETs: Cognitive Agent Based Approach - Springer
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive available bandwidth estimation for internet video streaming - Elsevier
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Naveed Islam , Zafar Shahid , (2015-2016)
Denoising and error correction in noisy AES-encrypted images using statistical measures - Elsevier
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable video encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier
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Hamid Reza Ghaeini , Behzad Akbari , (2015-2016)
Adaptive video protection in large scale peer-to-peer video streaming over mobile wireless mesh networks - Wiley/International Journal of Communication Systems
Atıf Yapılan :
Resilient Peer-to-Peer Streaming of Scalable Video Over Hierarchical Multicast Trees with Backup Parent Pools” Signal Processing: Image Communication - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
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Van Kinh Nguyen , Esteban A. Hernandez-Vargas , (2015-2016)
Identifiability Challenges in Mathematical Models of Viral Infectious Diseases - Elsevier/17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2015
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE/IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- Atıf Yapan :
Johannes D. Stigter , Jaap Molenaar , (2015-2016)
A fast algorithm to assess local structural identifiability - Elsevier/Automatica
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE/IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
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Mamoona N. Asghar , Mohammed Ghanbari , (2014-2015)
Sufficient encryption based on entropy coding syntax elements of H.264/SVC - Springer/Multimedia Tools and Applications
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable Video Encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
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Dhaliwal, S. , Guay, M. , (2014-2015)
Set-based adaptive estimation for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with output dependent nonlinearities - Eiley/The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Control Systems Society/IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control
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Yasuaki YUJI , Satoshi FUJITA , (2014-2015)
Hierarchical Architecture for Peer-to-Peer Video on Demand Systems with the Notion of Dynamic Swarms - IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-Aware Multiple Multicast Tree Formation For P2P Scalable Video Streaming Using Hierarchical Clusters - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
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Yohaan Yoon , Myungchul Kim , (2013-2014)
Temporal Synchronization Scheme in live 3D video streaming over IEEE 802.11 wireless networks - Proceedings of IEEE 15th International Symposium on World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
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Chakareski, J. (2013-2014)
Viewpoint-popularity-driven uplink scheduling of multi-camera sensor arrays - IEEE/Proceedings of Global Communications Conference
Atıf Yapılan :
Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
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Asghar, M.N. , Ghanbari, M. , (2013-2014)
Confidentiality of a selectively encrypted H.264 coded video bit-stream - Elsevier/Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable video encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
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Thomas R.B. Grandjean , Michael J. Chappell , (2013-2014)
Structural identifiability analyses of candidate models for in vitro Pitavastatin hepatic uptake - Elsevier/Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Control Systems Society/IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control
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Akshay Pulipaka , Patrick Seeling , (2013-2014)
Traffic and Statistical Multiplexing Characterization of 3D Video Representation Formats - IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
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Hidayet Burak Saritas , Geylani Kardas , (2013-2014)
A model driven architecture for the development of smart card software - Elsevier/Computer Languages, Systems & Structures
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
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Yao-Chang Yu , Ting-Wei Hou , (2013-2014)
An efficient forward-secure group certificate digital signature scheme to enhance EMR authentication process - Springer/Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
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Li Chen , Xi Chen , (2013-2014)
Extended space method for parameter identifiability of DAE systems - Elsevier/ISA Transactions
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New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control
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Gürler, C. G. , Tekalp, A. M. , (2012-2013)
Adaptive Streaming of Multiview Video Over P2P Networks - Wiley/Emerging Technologies for 3D Video: Creation, Coding, Transmission and Rendering
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-Aware Multiple Multicast Tree Formation For P2P Scalable Video Streaming Using Hierarchical Clusters - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
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Kun Wang , Barkowsky, M , (2012-2013)
Perceived 3D TV Transmission Quality Assessment: Multi-Laboratory Results Using Absolute Category Rating on Quality of Experience Scale - IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
A Pulipaka , P Seeling , (2012-2013)
Traffic and Statistical Multiplexing Characterization of 3-D Video Representation Formats - IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
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Chung-Yueh Lien, , Tsung-Lung Yang , (2012-2013)
Realizing Digital Signatures for Medical Imaging and Reporting in a PACS Environment - Springer/Journal of Medical Systems
Atıf Yapılan :
Design and Implementation of a Smart Card Based Healthcare Information System - Elsevier/Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine
- Atıf Yapan :
D Asulin , BB Moshe , (2012-2013)
Image Block Characterization Using DCT Statistics - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Atıf Yapılan :
Robust Quality Adaptation for Internet Video Streaming - Springer/Journal Of Multimedia Tools And Applications
- Atıf Yapan :
J.-K. Chang , Seungteak Ryoo , (2012-2013)
Real-time vehicle tracking mechanism with license plate recognition from road images - Springer/The Journal of Supercomputing
Atıf Yapılan :
) Automatic number plate information extraction and recognition for intelligent transportation system - Maney Publishing /The Imaging Science Journal
- Atıf Yapan :
Xing Yang (2012-2013)
Enhancement for road sign images and its performance evaluation - Elsevier/Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics
Atıf Yapılan :
) Automatic number plate information extraction and recognition for intelligent transportation system - Maney Publishing /The Imaging Science Journal
- Atıf Yapan :
Xing Yang (2012-2013)
Self-adaptive model of texture-based target location for intelligent transportation system applications - Elsevier/Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics
Atıf Yapılan :
) Automatic number plate information extraction and recognition for intelligent transportation system - Maney Publishing /The Imaging Science Journal
- Atıf Yapan :
Asghar, M.N. , Ghanbari, M. , (2012-2013)
An Efficient Security System for CABAC Bin-Strings of H.264/SVC - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable Video Encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal Of Visual Communications and Image Representation
- Atıf Yapan :
Zhuo Wei , Xuhua Ding , (2012-2013)
No Tradeoff between Confidentiality and Performance: An Analysis on H.264/SVC Partial Encryption - Springer/Communications and Multimedia Security
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable Video Encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal Of Visual Communications and Image Representation
- Atıf Yapan :
Zhuo Wei , Yongdong Wu , (2012-2013)
A scalable and format-compliant encryption scheme for H.264/SVC bitstreams - Springer/Signal Processing: Image Communication
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable Video Encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal Of Visual Communications and Image Representation
- Atıf Yapan :
Robert Huijie Deng , Xuhua Ding , (2012-2013)
Efficient block-based transparent encryption for H.264/SVC bitstreams - Springer/Multimedia Systems
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable Video Encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal Of Visual Communications and Image Representation
- Atıf Yapan :
Yongdong Wu , Zhuo Wei , (2012-2013)
Attribute-Based Access to Scalable Media in Cloud-Assisted Content Sharing Networks - IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable Video Encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Elsevier/Journal Of Visual Communications and Image Representation
- Atıf Yapan :
Neeraj Kumar , Jongsung Kim , (2012-2013)
Probabilistic trust aware data replica placement strategy for online video streaming applications in vehicular delay tolerant networks - Elsevier/Mathematical and Computer Modelling
Atıf Yapılan :
Resilient Peer-to-Peer Streaming of Scalable Video Over Hierarchical Multicast Trees with Backup Parent Pools - Elsevier/Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Atıf Yapan :
JK Chang , S Ryoo , (2012-2013)
Real-time vehicle tracking mechanism with license plate recognition from road images - Springer/The Journal of Supercomputing
Atıf Yapılan :
License Plate Segmentation for Intelligent Transportation Systems - Lecture Notes In Computer Sciences
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Kumar, N , Kim, J. , (2012-2013)
Probabilistic trust aware data replica placement strategy for online video streaming applications in vehicular delay tolerant networks - Mathematical and Computer Modelling
Atıf Yapılan :
Resilient peer-to-peer streaming of scalable video over hierarchical multicast trees with backup parent pools - Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Atıf Yapan :
Xiaozheng Huang , Jie Liang , (2011-2012)
A Fair P2P Scalable Video Streaming Scheme Using Improved Priority Index Assignment and Multi-hierarchical Topology - Springer/Image Analysis and Recognition
Atıf Yapılan :
Bandwidth-Aware Multiple Multicast Tree Formation For P2P Scalable Video Streaming Using Hierarchical Clusters - Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Solh, M. , AlRegib, G. , (2011-2012)
MIQM: A Multicamera Image Quality Measure - IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Atıf Yapılan :
Rate Allocation between Views in Scalable Stereo Video Coding Using an Objective Stereo Video Quality Measure - IEEE International Conference On Acoustics Speech And Signal Processing
- Atıf Yapan :
Thomas R.B. Grandjeana , Mike J. Chappell , (2011-2012)
Compartmental modelling of the pharmacokinetics of a breast cancer resistance protein - Elsevier/Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control
- Atıf Yapan :
J.G. Hattersley , J. Pérez-Velázquez , (2011-2012)
Indistinguishability and identifiability of kinetic models for the MurC reaction in peptidoglycan biosynthesis - Elsevie/r Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Atıf Yapılan :
New Results for Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.AC-32, No 2, pp 146-154.
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Wei, Z. , Wu, Y. , (2011-2012)
A scalable and format-compliant encryption scheme for H.264/SVC bitstreams - Signal Processing: Image Communication Vol 27 Issue 9 pp. 1011-1024
Atıf Yapılan :
Scalable video encryption of H.264 SVC Codec - Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation volume 22, issue 4, year 2011, pp. 353 - 364