Prof. Dr. Türker İNCE
Mühendislik Fakültesi
Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği
Bölüm Başkanı, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi
Prof. Dr. Türker İNCE
Mühendislik Fakültesi
Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği
Bölüm Başkanı, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi
SCI, SSCI ve AHCI tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanmış veya kabul edilmiş makaleler
- E.Atalay , O.Ozalp , O.Can Devecioglu , H.Erdogan , T.Ince and N.Yildirim.
(2022) Investigation of the Role of Convolutional Neural Network Architectures in the Diagnosis of Glaucoma using Color Fundus Photography.
Turkish Journal Of Opthalmology , Vol. 52, No. 3, 193-200,
- S.Kiranyaz , O.C.Devecioglu , T.Ince , J.Malik , M.Chowdhury , T.Hamid , R.Mazhar , A.Khandakar , A.Tahir , T.Rahman and M.Gabbouj.
(2022) Blind ECG Restoration by Operational Cycle-GANs.
IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 69, No. 12, 3572-3581,
- M.U.Zahid , S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , O.Devecioglu , M.E.H.Chowdhury , A.Khandakar , A.Tahir , M.Gabbouj.
(2022) Robust R-Peak Detection in Low-Quality Holter ECGs Using 1D Convolutional Neural Network.
IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 69, No. 1, 119-128,
- M.Gabbouj , S.Kiranyaz , J.Malik , M.Zahid , T.Ince , M.Chowdhury , A.Khandakar , A.Tahir.
(2022) Robust Peak Detection for Holter ECGs by Self-Organized Operational Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks And Learning Systems , No. 2022-04-15, 1-12,
- J.Malik , O.Devecioglu , S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj .
(2022) Real-Time Patient-Specific ECG Classification by 1D Self-Operational Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 69, No. 5, 1788-1801,
- O.Devecioglu , J.Malik , T.Ince , S.Kiranyaz , E.Atalay , M.Gabbouj.
(2021) Real-Time Glaucoma Detection From Digital Fundus Images Using Self-ONNs.
IEEE Access , Vol. 9, 140031-140041,
- S.Kiranyaz , J.Malik , H.Abdallah , T.Ince , A.Iosifidis , M.Gabbouj.
(2021) Exploiting Heterogeneity in Operational Neural Networks by Synaptic Plasticity.
Neural Computing And Applications , 1-19,
- I.Ozcan , O.Devecioglu , T.Ince , L.Eren , M.Askar.
(2021) Enhanced bearing fault detection using multichannel, multilevel 1D CNN classifier.
Electrical Engineering , 1-13,
- S.Kiranyaz , J.Malik , H.B.Abdallah , T.Ince , A.Iosifidis , M.Gabbouj.
(2021) Self-organized Operational Neural Networks with Generative Neurons.
Neural Networks , Vol. 140, No. 2021, 294-308,
- S.Kiranyaz , O.Avci , O.Abdeljaber , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj , D.Inman.
(2021) 1-D Convolutional Neural Networks and Applications: A survey.
Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing , Vol. 151, 1-21,
- T.Ince , O.Devecioglu , J.Malik , S.Kiranyaz , O.Avci , L.Eren , M.Gabbouj.
(2021) Early Bearing Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery by 1D Self-Organized Operational Neural Networks.
IEEE Access , Vol. 9, 139260-139270,
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , A.Iosifidis , M.Gabbouj.
(2020) Operational Neural Networks.
Neural Computing And Applications , Vol. 32, No. 3, 6645-6668,
- S.Kiranyaz , M.Zabihi , A.Rad , T.Ince , R.Hamila , M.Gabbouj.
(2020) Real-time Phonocardiogram Anomaly Detection by Adaptive 1D Convolutional Neural Networks.
Neurocomputing , Vol. 411, No. 10, 291-301,
- T.Ince.
(2019) Real-Time Broken Rotor Bar Fault Detection and Classification by Shallow 1D Convolutional Neural Networks.
Electrical Engineering (Springer), Doi:10.1007/s00202-019-00808-7 , Vol. 101, No. 2, 599-608,
- L.Eren , T.İnce , S.Kiranyaz.
(2019) A Generic Intelligent Bearing Fault Diagnosis System Using Compact Adaptive 1D CNN Classifier.
Journal Of Signal Processing Systems ( ,
- M.Ahishali , S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj.
(2019) Dual and Single Polarized SAR Image Classification Using Compact Convolutional Neural Networks.
Remote Sensing , Vol. 1340, No. 11,
- J.Arje , S.Karkkainen , K.Meissner , A.Iosifidis , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj , S.Kiranyaz.
(2017) The effect of automated taxa identification errors on biological indices.
Expert Systems With Applications , Vol. 72, No. 12, 108-120,
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj.
(2017) Personalized Monitoring and Advance Warning System for Cardiac Arrhythmias.
Nature Scientific Reports , Vol. SREP-16-52,
- M.Zabihi , S.Kiranyaz , A.Rad , A.Katsaggelos , M.Gabbouj , T.Ince.
(2016) Analysis of high-dimensional phase space via Poincare section for patient-specific seizure detection.
IEEE Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering, DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2505238 , Vol. 24, No. 3, 386-398, ISBN: DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2
- T.Ince , S.Kiranyaz , L.Eren , M.Askar , M.Gabbouj.
(2016) Real-Time Motor Fault Detection by 1D Convolutional Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Doi:10.1109/TIE.2016.2582729 , Vol. 63, No. 11, 7067-7075,
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , A.Iosifidis , M.Gabbouj.
(2016) Progressive Operational Perceptrons.
Neurocomputing, Doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2016.10.044 ,
- S.Kiranyaz , T.İnce , M.Gabbouj.
(2016) Real-Time Patient-Specific ECG Classification by 1D Convolutional Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering, Doi: 10.1109/TBME.2015.2468589 , Vol. 63, No. 3, 664-675,
- A.Vuruskan , T.Ince , E.Bulgun , C.Guzelis.
(2015) Intelligent fashion styling using genetic search and neural classification.
International Journal Of Clothing Science And Technology , Vol. 27, No. 2, 283-301, ISBN:
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , M.Zabihi , D.Ince.
(2014) Automated patient-specific classification of long-term Electroencephalography.
Journal Of Biomedical Informatics , Vol. 49, 16-31, ISBN: doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2
- T.Ince , S.Kiranyaz , M.Gabbouj.
(2012) Evolutionary RBF classifier for polarimetric SAR images.
Expert Systems With Applications , Vol. 39, No. 5, 4710-4717, ISBN: 0957-4174
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , S.Uhlmann , M.Gabbouj.
(2012) Collective Network of Binary Classifier Framework for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification: An Evolutionary Approach.
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj.
(2011) Stochastic approximation driven particle swarm optimization with simultaneous perturbation - Who will guide the guide?.
Applied Soft Computing , Vol. 11, No. 2, 2334-2347, ISBN: DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , J.Pulkkinen , M.Gabbouj.
(2011) Personalized long-term ECG classification: A systematic approach.
Expert Systems With Applications , Vol. 38, No. 4, 3220-3226, ISBN: DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , J.Pulkkinen , M.Gabbouj , J.Arje , S.Karkkainen , V.Tirronen , M.Juhola.
(2011) Classification and retrieval on macroinvertebrate image databases.
Computers In Biology And Medicine , Vol. 41, No. 7, 463-472, ISBN: doi:10.1016/j.compbi
- T.Ince.
(2010) Unsupervised classification of polarimetric SAR image with dynamic clustering: An image processing approach.
Advances In Engineering Software , Vol. 41, No. 4, 636-646, ISBN: 0965-9978
- T.Ince , S.Kiranyaz , J.Pulkkinen , M.Gabbouj.
(2010) Evaluation of global and local training techniques over feed-forward neural network architecture spaces for computer-aided medical diagnosis.
Expert Systems With Applications , Vol. 37, No. 12, 8450-8461, ISBN: doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2
- T.Ince.
(2010) FMCW Radar Performance for Atmospheric Measurements.
RADIOENGINEERING , Vol. 19, No. 1, 129-135, ISBN: 1210-2512
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , A.Yildirim , M.Gabbouj.
(2010) Fractional Particle Swarm Optimization in Multidimensional Search Space.
- Y.G.Sahin , T.Ince.
(2009) Early Forest Fire Detection Using Radio-Acoustic Sounding System.
Sensors , Vol. 9, No. 3, 1485-1498, ISBN: 1424-8220
- S.Kiranyaz , S.Uhlmann , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj.
(2009) Perceptual Dominant Color Extraction by Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization.
Eurasip Journal On Advances In Signal Processing , ISBN: 1687-6172
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , A.Yildirim , M.Gabbouj.
(2009) Evolutionary artificial neural networks by multi-dimensional particle swarm optimization.
NEURAL NETWORKS , Vol. 22, No. 10, 1448-1462, ISBN: 0893-6080
- T.Ince , S.Kiranyaz , M.Gabbouj.
(2009) A Generic and Robust System for Automated Patient-Specific Classification of ECG Signals.
- J.Sun , D.H.Lenschow , S.P.Burns , R.M.Banta , R.Newsom , R.Coulter , S.Frasier , T.Ince.
(2004) Atmospheric disturbances that generate intermittent turbulence in nocturnal boundary layers.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology , Vol. 110, 255-279,
- T.Ince , S.J.Frasier , A.Muschinski , A.L.Pazmany.
(2003) An S-band frequency-modulated continuous-wave boundary layer profiler: Description and initial results.
RADIO SCIENCE , Vol. 38, No. 4, 1072-1081,
- J.Sun , S.P.Burns , D.H.Lenschow , R.Banta , R.Newsom , R.Coulter , S.Frasier , T.Ince.
(2002) Intermittent turbulence associated with a density current passage in the stable boundary layer.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology , Vol. 105, 199-219,
- G.Turhan-Sayan , K.Leblebicioglu , T.Ince.
(1999) Electromagnetic target classification using time-frequency analysis and neural networks.
Microwave And Optical Technology Letters , Vol. 21, No. 1, 63-69,
Diğer indexler tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanmış veya kabul edilmiş makaleler
- A.Vuruskan , E.Bulgun , T.Ince , C.Guzelis , G.Demirkiran.
(2017) Fashion Styling Recommendation with Intelligent Systems: Test of an Online Platform.
J Fashion Technol Textile Eng , Vol. 3, No. 4, 1-2,