Referenced in publications covered by other indexes

  • Citing :
    McLaughlin Tim; Pena B. Adan; Fechter To , Cubukcu Ebru; Cetintahra Gozde Eksioglu , (2011-2012)
    Title: Understanding the effects of cognition in creative decision making: A creativity model for enhancing the design studio process - Creativity Research Journal
    Cited :
    Multi-institutional Collaboration in Delivery of Team-Project-Based Computer Graphics Studio Courses - 6th International Symposium on Visual Computing, Creativity Research Journal
  • Citing :
    Hasirci, D.; , Demirkan, H. , (2009-2010)
    Demirkan, H. and Hasirci, D. Hidden Dimensions of Creativity Elements in the Design Process. - Annual Review of Psychology, InformeDesign: October. Founding Sponsor: ASID, American Society of Interior Designers, Cited by: Hasirci, D.; Demirkan, H. Understanding the Effects of Cognition in Creat
    Cited :
    Understanding the effects of cognition in creative decision making: A creativity model for enhancing the design studio process. - CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL vol. 19, no. 2-3. pp. 259-271. (1 time).
  • Citing :
    Hasirci, D.; , Demirkan, H. , (2003-2004)
    Creativity in Learning Environments: The Case of Two Sixth Grade Art-Rooms. - The Journal of Creative Behavior. vol. 37, no.1. pp.17-42. [(3 times).
    Cited :
    Annual Review of Psychology [Cited by: Runco, M.A. 55: 657-687]. - Annual Review of Psychology, InformeDesign: October. Founding Sponsor: ASID, American Society of Interior Designers, Cited by: Hasirci, D.; Demirkan, H. Understanding the Effects of Cognition in Creat

Referenced in national refereed publications

  • Citing :
    Dr. A. Nilay EVCIL (2007-2008)
    “Bademlidere Çocuk Çekim Merkezi” - Vatan Gazetesi
    Cited :
    Kural, N.; Özaloğlu, S; Tanrıöver, S.; Ural Ertez, S.; Hasırcı, D. Bademlidere Pilot Bölgesi Çocuk Çekim Merkezi Çalışmaları - Published and distributed by the authors

Referenced in books published by international publishers

  • Citing :
    Prof. Dr. Henry Sanoff, AIA (2007-2008)
    Programming, design, and evaluation: a community/ university partnership - Ambiente Construido, Porto Alegre, v. 7, n. 1. pp. 7-19.
    Cited :
    Deniz Hasırcı teşekkür -