Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes

  • D.Özkan.
    (2020) Dişil Ütopya, Eril Distopya: Anna Biller’in The Love Witch (2016) Filmi.
    Kültür Ve İletişim , Vol. 23, No. 45, 301-309,
  • D.Özkan.
    (2017) Cédric Klapisch: My Piece of the Pie (2011) – Intersecting Markets and Lives.
    Markets, Globalization & Development Review , Vol. 2, No. 1/10, ISBN: DOI: 10.23860/MGDR-2
  • D.Özkan.
    (2016) Gecekondu chic? Informal settlements and urban poverty as cultural commodity.
    Dérive. Zeitschrift Für Stadtforschung , No. 56,
  • D.Özkan.
    (2011) Spatial Practices of Oda Projesi.
    On Curating , No. 11,
  • D.Özkan.
    (2005) Consumer Citizenship, Nationalism and Neoliberal Globalization in Turkey: The Advertising Launch of Cola Turka.
    Advertising And Society Review , Vol. 6, No. 3,

Published or accepted to be published in refereed journals

  • D.Özkan.
    (2021) Gênco: Kifayetsiz Süpermen.
    Toplum Ve Bilim , Vol. 157, 237-244,