Abdullah Cem Koç , “ Computation of unsteady flows in hydraulic systems with hydraulic machinery ”
Aslı Bor Türkben , “ Experimental and numerical study of local scour around bridge piers with different cross sections ca ”
Ayşe Kaygısız Hacımusalar , “ Experimental and theoretical investigation of flood waves in open channels ”
Ayşegül Özgenç Aksoy , “ Determination of dispersivity values from experiments in homogeneous and non homogeneous porous medi ”
Birol Kaya , “ Optimisation of sprinkling irrigation systems ”
Emrah Sevinç , “ Experimental and numerical study of the effect of vegetation on the three dimensional propagation of ”
Fırat Gümgüm , “ Experimental and numerical investigation of local scours around bridge piers in the case of sediment ”
Gökçen Bombar , “ Experimental and numerical investigation of bed load transport in unsteady flows ”
Nuri Seçkin Kayıkçı , “ Theoretical and experimental study of transient flows in pressurised pipelines ”
Tanıl Arkış , “ Experimental and numerical investigation of flood waves propagation caused by dam break ”
Abdullah Cem Koç , “ Study of water distribution networks by using computer ”
Ayşe Kaygısız , “ Study of the cavitation phenomenon resulting from waterhammer by using the method of characteristics ”
Ayşegül Özgenç , “ Computation of ground water contamination by using Modflow ”
Doguş Onur Bayram , “ Experimental study of the flood resulting from dam break by means of distorted physical model ”
Emre Kebapcıoğlu , “ Experimental and theoretical study of unsteady flows in open channels with different bottom slopes ”
Erdi Aydöner , “ Experimental and theoretical study of the channel bottom forms due to the bed material transport ”
Erdinç Özdinçer , “ Design of the 1/100 scaled physical model in order to study the flow over the spillway of Çine Dam ”
Gözen Elkıran , “ Computational analysis of waterhammer caused by centrifugal pumps ”
Hasan Dönertaş , “ Computation of gradually varied flow profiles in open channels ”
Mutluhan Nas , “ Experimental study of wave propagation in open channels by means of electronic circuits and comparis ”
Olcay Mayda , “ Experimental and numerical study of local scour around bridge piers in the case of mobile bed ”
Semire Oğuzhan , “ Experimental and numerical investigation of hydraulic jump in circular pipes ”
Serkan Ferit Akdoğan , “ Experimental and theoretical study of various flows in gutters ”