Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • N.Cem Ersoy , O.S.Hünler and Y.Namer.
    (2017) Publication Preview Source Kadına Psikolojik Eziyet Envanteri Kısa Formu Türkçe Uyarlaması [Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory Short Form - Turkish adaptation].
    Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi -Journal Of Clinical Psychiatry , Vol. 20(4), No. 4,
  • N.Cem Ersoy , E.Derous , M.Ph. Born and H.Van der Molen.
    (2015) Antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior among Turkish white-collar employees in The Netherlands and Turkey.
    International Journal Of Intercultural Relations , No. 49, 68-79,
  • I.Coyne , D.Gentile , M.Born , N.Cem Ersoy and M.Vakola.
    (2013) The relationship between productive and counterproductive work behavior across four European countries..
    European Journal Of Work And Organizational Psychology ,
  • N.Cem Ersoy , M.Born , E.Derous , H.Van der Molen.
    (2012) Effects of cultural orientations and leadership styles on other- oriented and self- oriented organizational citizenship behavior..
    Asian Journal Of Social Psychology , Vol. 15, No. 4, 249-260,
  • N.Cem Ersoy , M.Born , E.Derous , H.Van der Molen.
    (2011) Antecedents of organizational citizenship among blue and white collar employees in Turkey.
    International Journal Of Intercultural Relations , Vol. 35, 356-367,
  • N.Cem Ersoy , M.Born , E.Derous , H.Van der Molen.
    (2011) Effects of work-related norm violations and gerenal beliefs about the world on feelings of shame and guilt: A comparison between Turkey and The Netherlands.
    Asian Journal Of Social Psychology , Vol. 14, 50-62,
  • N.Hortaçsu , N.Cem Ersoy.
    (2005) Values, identities and social constructions of European Union by Turkish university youth in Turkey.
    European Journal Of Social Psychology , Vol. 35, 107-121,