Assoc. Prof. Nevra Cem Ersoy
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Member of Internship committee, İzmir University of Economics
Assoc. Prof. Nevra Cem Ersoy
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Member of Internship committee, İzmir University of Economics
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI
- N.Cem Ersoy , O.S.Hünler and Y.Namer.
(2017) Publication Preview Source Kadına Psikolojik Eziyet Envanteri Kısa Formu Türkçe Uyarlaması [Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory Short Form - Turkish adaptation].
Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi -Journal Of Clinical Psychiatry , Vol. 20(4), No. 4,
- N.Cem Ersoy , E.Derous , M.Ph. Born and H.Van der Molen.
(2015) Antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior among Turkish white-collar employees in The Netherlands and Turkey.
International Journal Of Intercultural Relations , No. 49, 68-79,
- I.Coyne , D.Gentile , M.Born , N.Cem Ersoy and M.Vakola.
(2013) The relationship between productive and counterproductive work behavior across four European countries..
European Journal Of Work And Organizational Psychology ,
- N.Cem Ersoy , M.Born , E.Derous , H.Van der Molen.
(2012) Effects of cultural orientations and leadership styles on other- oriented and self- oriented organizational citizenship behavior..
Asian Journal Of Social Psychology , Vol. 15, No. 4, 249-260,
- N.Cem Ersoy , M.Born , E.Derous , H.Van der Molen.
(2011) Antecedents of organizational citizenship among blue and white collar employees in Turkey.
International Journal Of Intercultural Relations , Vol. 35, 356-367,
- N.Cem Ersoy , M.Born , E.Derous , H.Van der Molen.
(2011) Effects of work-related norm violations and gerenal beliefs about the world on feelings of shame and guilt: A comparison between Turkey and The Netherlands.
Asian Journal Of Social Psychology , Vol. 14, 50-62,
- N.Hortaçsu , N.Cem Ersoy.
(2005) Values, identities and social constructions of European Union by Turkish university youth in Turkey.
European Journal Of Social Psychology , Vol. 35, 107-121,